Clean hands save lives - Wash your hands!
Every GP has their own area or interest and expertise.
Dr Grace Maano’s expertise is in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and she is very keen to support patient care by providing access to women’s health, sexual and contraceptive services while your GP maintain the role of being your GP.
As a GP-Obstetrician, patients do not require a referral to see Dr Grace Maano in any of the Queensland Practice where she is now currently connected.
If you are a patient previously seen at Hiraya or Mayo clinics in NSW and urgently need continuity of care for your Women's Health/Sexual Health issue, you can book a Teleahealth Consult in any of the two Queensland clinics. These phone consults will be privately billed for NSW patients unless you fulfill Medicare requirement of having a face-to-face consult within last 12 months within the new GP Practice.
You can find online booking details below:

Dr. Maano does not provide medical termination of pregnancy.
If anyone is needing this service please refer to below providers
that can offer this service to patients:
Family Planning Hunter Clinic - 02 4929 4485
Gynae Centres Australia Newcastle - 02 4962 4999
Coffs Harbour Blue Water Medical - 02 6651 5037"